Our products will be dispatched by 7 days depending on logistics and warehouse.Confirmed orders will be shipped within 24 to 48 working hours. Once shipped, they'll be delivered to you within 7-8 working days. Estimated delivery time may change due to the customer’s geographical location, shipping destination, product availability, and courier partner’s delivery time & location. A delivery fee of Rs. 49 is applicable on orders below Rs. 500. In case of one or more defective products in your order, please register a single complaint as the return/replacement will be arranged only once. Customers are advised not to accept tampered or damaged shipments.
In case you have any questions or require further clarification, please email us at hello@sumolite.in or contact us on +91 8910772884. We work from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday (Indian Standard Time) and will aim to respond to your queries within 2 working days. It is our endeavor to ship all items in your order together; however, this may not always be possible due to product characteristics or availability. There may be restrictions on accepting orders for delivery in certain locations. In such scenarios, the order will not be accepted online and a message will be sent requesting you to provide an alternate shipping location.